Register at:
March 25, 2025
2 PM Amman & Kampala | 7 AM La Paz | 12 PM Luxembourg | 4:30 PM New Delhi | 7 PM Manila
Organized by PCFS & PANAP
Since its inception, the Day of the Landless campaign has been a platform to highlight the struggles of the landless and their assertion of the right to land. The People’s Coalition on Food Sovereignty (PCFS) and PAN Asia Pacific are spearheading another session of the Landless Voices for this year’s DOTL commemoration.
Landless Voices is a series of online consultative forums where rural people’s groups can share their land issues and struggles amid the global food crisis. It aims to:
- Draw the global picture of how rural people resist corporate land and resource grabs and imperialist aggression that are dispossessing them of their land;
- Identify how imperialist schemes translate on the ground, i.e., what are the arrangements, programs, and policies implemented by landgrabber corporations and states that enable these landgrabs, and what are their impacts based on the local context of the communities; and
- Learn the challenges and best practices of rural people’s groups in carrying out their struggles and asserting their right to land.
The theme for this year will center on land and climate change – the assertion of land rights and climate justice amid the imperialist exploitation of the climate crisis. Participating organizations may share their experiences and best practices in campaigning against land and resource grabs for climate-tech and forwarding people-led climate solutions including genuine agrarian reform and agroecology.
Guide Questions
The discussion’s consultation will be guided by the following questions:
- Issues: How is the climate crisis being exploited to dispossess rural people of their lands?
- Who are the perpetrating actors?
- What means are they employing to grab people’s lands and resources in the name of “climate action”? (program, policies, schemes, or strategies)
- Impacts: What are the impacts of these landgrabs on rural communities? Why are they false climate solutions?
- Actions: How do rural people defend their lands and assert their right to land?
- What are their immediate demands and aspirations in the long term?
- How do they defend themselves against attacks?
- What are their activities and campaigns?
- Collaborations: What can we do together to confront the global problem of landlessness amid the climate crisis?
5 minutes | Zoom Ingress |
15 minutes | Overview of the Day of the Landless 2025 campaign |
40 minutes | Sharing of participants |
10 minutes | Intermission |
40 minutes | Continuation: Sharing of participants |
10 minutes | Synthesis and closing |
The consultative forum is open to all interested organizations who would like to participate. Sign up to join:
We will be reaching out to all signees to confirm their participation and provide further instruction to prepare for the consultation. The synthesis will be shared in the Global Landless Speakout on March 29, 2025 and will be used as reference by the organizers in their future endeavors.
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