Protect Our Children Campaign

In 2014, PANAP launched the Protect Our Children from Toxic Pesticides (POC) Campaign in 11 countries to address the special vulnerability of children to pesticide impacts. Publications and information materials, including a children’s storybook, were widely distributed. Campaign success in subsequent years include the adoption of pesticide-free buffer zones around schools in Cambodia and Vietnam and the inclusion of PANAP recommendations on reports by the UN Special Rapporteurs on Chemicals and Waste and the Right to Food. The POC Watch continues to monitor pesticide poisoning of children across the globe.

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Our Campaigns

Ban Highly Hazardous Pesticides

Pesticides are a major health and environmental threat that must be eliminated

Protect Our Children

How children are impacted by pesticides and how we can protect them

Agroecology In Action

The movement for an alternative to chemical-based, corporate agriculture

No Land, No Life

Communities fighting back against land and resource grabbing

Women Rise Up

Rural women assert their rights to to health, safe environment and sustainable livelihoods.
