Sowing Harm: The Multifaceted Impact of Pesticides in Four Countries (Policy Brief)
Pesticide residues are known to cause adverse impact on human health, food and the environment. This policy brief summarises the report on the pesticides impacts from various sources by PANAP partners.
Acute Pesticide Poisoning in Asia: A Four-Country Review
PANAP’s latest report on unintentional acute pesticide poisoning (UAPP) aims to shed light on the frequency of poisoning, pesticides causing them and conditions of use of these pesticides in four countries:...
Unboxed: Online Sales of Banned Pesticides in Malaysia
With the surge in online shopping and the exponential growth of Malaysia's e-commerce market, online shopping platforms have also become a growing avenue for the sale of pesticide products. PANAP’s new...
Urgent need for a global phase-out of Highly Hazardous Pesticides
Infographics on unintentional acute pesticide poisoning in Africa, South America and Asia Pacific and the need for a global phase-out of Highly Hazardous Pesticides
Field Survey: Use and impacts of pesticides in four countries in Asia
This study by PANAP and partners on the use of pesticides in in Bangladesh, India, Laos and Vietnam aims to provide updated information on what pesticides are being used and the current conditions of use.
State Of Chlorpyrifos, Fipronil, Atrazine And Paraquat Dichloride In India
This report reveals serious problems of pesticide usage in India and points to poor regulation of hazardous agrochemicals. The current use pattern is implicated in widespread unauthorised uses of chlorpyrifos,...
Urgent Need to Ban the Brain-Harming Chlorpyrifos
Written by Dr. Meriel Watts, PANAP’s Director for Science and Policy, this brief outlines the reasons why governments should immediately ban the use of chlorpyrifos and replace it with safer non-chemical...
Schoolchildren’s Exposure to Pesticides in Vietnam: A Study in Three Districts
A study on pesticides exposure of Vietnamese schoolchildren in Hai Hau and Nghia Hung Districts in Nam Dinh province, and Phu Luong District in Thai Nguyen province.
Toxic Blooms: Impacts of Pesticides on Children in the Floriculture Industry in Tamil Nadu, India
A study by Pesticide Action Network Asia Pacific (PANAP), Society for Rural Education and Development (SRED), and PAN India reveals the use of Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs) in floriculture farms in...
State of Glyphosate Use in India
A study by Pesticide Action Network (PAN) India and PAN Asia Pacific (PANAP) on the use of glyphosate in seven Indian states.
Of Rights and Poisons: Accountability of the Agrochemical Industry
A 7-country study on the impact of Highly Hazardous Pesticides on people’s health and the environment.
Corporate Accountability for Pesticides Use in the Asia Pacific Region: A Summary
Studies on pesticides use in selected communities and areas in 6 countries in Asia Pacific
The Price of Indonesia’s Palm Oil: Vulnerable and Exploited Women Workers
A preliminary investigation on the working conditions of women labourers in North Sumatra’s oil palm industry
Community Pesticide Action Monitoring in Mindanao, Philippines
Study on the impact of pesticides among plantation workers and communities in Mindanao, Philippines
Pesticides and Agroecology in the Occupied West Bank
Second of a 2-part report on the human rights implications of the Israeli illegal production, trade and dumping of pesticides in Palestine
Human Rights and Toxic Chemicals in the Occupied West Bank (Palestine)
First of a 2-part report on the human rights implications of Israeli illegal production, trade and dumping of pesticides in Palestine
Glyphosate Monograph
In this monograph, learn extensive information about Glyphosate, its chemical profile, environmental and health effects, and alternatives.
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) Towards The Use of Chlorpyrifos and Paraquat and Their Impact On Human Health and The Environment
Study on the factors that influence Vietnamese farmers’s choice of the highly toxic paraquat and chlorpyrifos
Illegal Pesticide Trade in the Mekong Countries: Case Studies from Cambodia and Lao PDR
Studies on pesticide regulation and trade in banned and illegal pesticides in the Mekong region
Chlorpyrifos Monograph
In this monograph, learn extensive information about Chlorpyrifos, its chemical profile, environmental and health effects, and alternatives.
Herbicide Resistant Crops: The Truth About the World’s Most Widely Grown Engineered Plants
A factsheet on how the use of glyphosate-resistant seeds has worsened the plight of small farmers
Report on Women and Pesticide Survey: Case Study in Sang District Kandal Province
A survey on women and pesticides in Saang district, Kandal province in Cambodia
Paraquat Monograph
In this monograph, learn extensive information about Paraquat, its chemical profile, environmental and health effects, and alternatives.
Communities in Peril: Asian Regional Report on Community Monitoring of Highly Hazardous Pesticide Use
A community monitoring study investigating the use and impacts of pesticides in affected communities in Asia
Communities in Peril: Global report on the health impacts of pesticide use in agriculture
Global report on the damage to peoples and ecosystems by the dangerous use, trade and disposal of synthetic pesticides
Community Monitoring of SAICM Implementation on Pesticide Use and Practices
Initial results of monitoring gathered through the Community Monitoring for International Advocacy project
The Politics of Paraquat
The Politics of Paraquat examines the history, dangers and efforts to phase out the use of paraquat in Malaysia. Paraquat is a deadly poison and was widely used in plantations in Malaysia. It was first...
Acute Pesticide Poisoning in Asia: A Four-Country Review
PANAP’s latest report on unintentional acute pesticide poisoning (UAPP) aims to shed light on the frequency of poisoning, pesticides causing them and conditions of use of these pesticides in four countries:...
Petition to Participate in the #PesticidesFreeSchools Initiative [Pledge Form]
Schools should be a safe environment for children to learn and grow, however many schoolchildren are exposed to pesticides both in rural and urban areas. Pledge to participate in the #PesticidesFreeSchools...
Field Survey: Use and impacts of pesticides in four countries in Asia
This study by PANAP and partners on the use of pesticides in in Bangladesh, India, Laos and Vietnam aims to provide updated information on what pesticides are being used and the current conditions of use.
Urgent Need to Ban the Brain-Harming Chlorpyrifos
Written by Dr. Meriel Watts, PANAP’s Director for Science and Policy, this brief outlines the reasons why governments should immediately ban the use of chlorpyrifos and replace it with safer non-chemical...
Schoolchildren’s Exposure to Pesticides in Vietnam: A Study in Three Districts
A study on pesticides exposure of Vietnamese schoolchildren in Hai Hau and Nghia Hung Districts in Nam Dinh province, and Phu Luong District in Thai Nguyen province.
Protect Our Children from Toxic Pesticides (Sinhala)
A booklet that summarizes how pesticides affect the health of our children. Translated in Sinhala and co-published by Vikalpani National Women's Federation in Sri Lanka.
Toxic Blooms: Impacts of Pesticides on Children in the Floriculture Industry in Tamil Nadu, India
A study by Pesticide Action Network Asia Pacific (PANAP), Society for Rural Education and Development (SRED), and PAN India reveals the use of Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs) in floriculture farms in...
Global Governance of Hazardous Pesticides to Protect Children: Beyond 2020
A paper on the global governance of pesticides post-2020 to protect children’s rights
Children & Pesticides: Protect Our Children from Toxic Pesticides (in Mandarin)
[In Mandarin] A booklet that summarizes how pesticides affect the health of our children. The English version is available at,
Irene Fernandez Leadership Training for Rural Women
Amidst challenging global and local contexts, rural women’s suffering due to the impact of oppressive food and agricultural policies is more severe. The Irene Fernandez Leadership Training for Rural...
Stories from the Field: Women Working Towards a Non-Toxic Environment
How 25 women farmers are working to reduce pesticides use and shift to agroecology
Our Stories, One Journey: Empowering Rural Women in Asia on Food Sovereignty
Life-stories of 50 rural women who took part in the Women’s Travelling Journal on Food Sovereignty
Our Stories, One Journey: Empowering Rural Women in Asia on Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights
Inspiring life stories of rural women asserting their sexual and reproductive rights, as told in the Women’s Travelling Journal
Our Stories, One Journey: Empowering Rural Women in Asia on Food Sovereignty
In a Women’s Traveling Journal, rural women to share their thoughts and lives as small food producers
Agroecology in Action Newsletter [2024 July-August]
Agroecology in Action Newsletter is a bi-monthly bulletin published by PAN Asia Pacific that highlights the grassroots work of International Peopleʼs Agroecology Movementsʼ (IPAM) field learning sites...
Buzzing Bees: The Ecological Lifelines
This article, the latest in our series on pesticide impacts on biodiversity, examines the different types of bees, their behaviour, life cycles, and importance as pollinators. It provides insights into...
Agroecology in Action Newsletter [2024 May-June]
Agroecology in Action Newsletter is a bi-monthly bulletin published by PAN Asia Pacific that highlights the grassroots work of International Peopleʼs Agroecology Movementsʼ (IPAM) field learning sites...
Biodiversity in Soil
Soil is our lifeline. It sustains life with a variety of foods, holds and filters water to provide us with clean and safe potable water and maintains ecological balance by storing carbon. But there is...
Rice Diversity in Asian Bowls
One of the most important staple foods, rice, is agronomically- and nutritionally-sound and provides the calories needed by around half the world’s population. There is an urgent need to take all necessary...
Transforming agriculture: Agroecology and the right to land
CounterPoint March 2022
CounterPoint is PANAP’s policy paper on global and regional issues related to people’s food sovereignty and elimination of pesticide harms. The latest CounterPoint focuses on...
Towards Economic Empowerment, Participation and Agroecology: A Rural Youth Situationer from Six Countries in Asia
This Rural Youth Situationer is a product of a survey conducted by PAN Asia Pacific (PANAP) between 2018 and 2019 among rural youth in Asia in cooperation with six partner organisations.
In Bangladesh,...
The Enduring Narratives of Agroecology: 14 Case Studies from South Asia, Southeast Asia and Africa
The Book gathers fourteen inspiring stories from six countries as evidence to the transformative power of biodiversity-based ecological agriculture on the economic, social and cultural life of farming...
Pandemic of Hunger: Asserting People’s Rights Amid COVID-19
The materials compiled here are the product of our research, monitoring and interviews as we attempt to document COVID-19’s impacts on food security and how rural communities are responding to the crisis...
16 Days of Global Action on Agroecology 2020 [Info-Media Kit/Compressed File]
A compressed file containing the PSD file and fonts to edit the banner, flyer and poster on 16 Days of Global Action on Agroecology 2020 with the theme "Fight for Food Systems Change".
16 Days of Global Action on Agroecology 2020 [Poster]
A poster on 16 Days of Global Action on Agroecology 2020 with the theme "Fight for Food Systems Change".
Replacing Chemicals with Biology: Phasing out Highly Hazardous Pesticides with Agroecology
How to replace HHPs with ecosystem-based approaches to pesticide and crop management
Land and Rights Watch 2023 Report
This report highlights the courageous struggles of women in marginalized rural communities for land rights, dignity, and justice amid increasing political repression.
Land & Rights Watch 2022 Report
Land and Rights Watch is an initiative of PANAP’s No Land, No Life! campaign to monitor human rights abuses against communities opposing land and resource grabbing. The latest Land and Rights Watch annual...
Transforming agriculture: Agroecology and the right to land
CounterPoint March 2022
CounterPoint is PANAP’s policy paper on global and regional issues related to people’s food sovereignty and elimination of pesticide harms. The latest CounterPoint focuses on...
Proceedings of the Global People’s Summit for Just, Equitable, Healthy and Sustainable Food Systems, September 21-23, 2021
The Global People's Summit for Just, Equitable, Healthy, and Sustainable Food Systems is the people's movements-led counter-summit to the United Nations Food Systems Summit and its corporate agenda.
No Land, No Life! Land Conflicts and Struggles in Asia
The book is an output of a coordinated research initiative with PANAP's key partners in its anti-land grabbing campaign, the Penang-based regional network said the book is a timely contribution to the...
Pandemic of Hunger: Asserting People’s Rights Amid COVID-19
The materials compiled here are the product of our research, monitoring and interviews as we attempt to document COVID-19’s impacts on food security and how rural communities are responding to the crisis...
Tañon Saga: A Guidebook for Environmental Activism and Empowerment
The story of how Cebuano environmentalists united to protect the Tañon Strait from destructive oil exploration activities
Occupational Health and Safety of Agricultural Workers: ILO Conventions and Gaps
This scoping paper identifies gaps in existing ILO Conventions pertinent to occupational health and safety in agriculture
Fighting Land Grabbing: Grasp on the Rights Weapons
This issue of Turning Point explores the prospects of using existing human rights mechanisms to oppose land grabbing
For Land & Rights: A Training Manual
This module equips users with skills on how to launch a campaign on land and resource grabbing through human rights advocacy
Modules on Advocacy of Indigenous Peoples’ Rights: A Practical Guide for Sarawak Indigenous Peoples Defending their Rights
This booklet is a compilation of modules with the aim of building the capacity of local indigenous communities to defend their ancestral lands against palm oil and logging companies. Thus, these modules...
Modul mengenai Advokasi bagi Hak Asasi Penduduk Peribumi: Panduan Praktikal untuk Penduduk Peribumi Sarawak Mempertahankan Hak Asasi Mereka
(in Bahasa Malaysia) This booklet is a compilation of modules with the aim of building the capacity of local indigenous communities to defend their ancestral lands against palm oil and logging companies....
For Land, Rights and Resources: Stories of Resistance
Booklet on landgrabbing and community resistance in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Malaysia and the Philippines
Climate Change and Gender Justice: A Participatory Research Study on the Impact of Climate Change on Women in Three Selected Rural Communities in the Philippines
A study on how rural women in the Philippines address issues on marginalization and discrimination, poverty and landlessness
Speak Out: From Singur to Sompeta: People’s Resistance Against Land Grabbing in India
How peasant and fisherfolk communities were able to stop development projects in Singur and Sompeta
Occupational Health and Safety of Agricultural Workers: ILO Conventions and Gaps
This scoping paper identifies gaps in existing ILO Conventions pertinent to occupational health and safety in agriculture
Building Community Resistance Against Land Grabbing
Case studies of landgrabbing and community resistance in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Malaysia and the Philippines
Speak Out: From Singur to Sompeta: People’s Resistance Against Land Grabbing in India
How peasant and fisherfolk communities were able to stop development projects in Singur and Sompeta
Handbook For Community Based Pesticide Action Monitoring, Corporate Accountability And International Advocacy
This handbook outlines a monitoring and documenting approach, based on Community Pesticide Action Monitoring (CPAM). Elements of corporate accountability has also been added to the tools/questionnaires...
FAO Code Monitoring Module: An Updated Users’ Guide To Monitoring The Implementation Of The FAO/WHO International Code Of Conduct On Pesticide Management
A toolkit to help concerned organisations to monitor the compliance of FAO Code by governments and industry players
Handbook For Community Based Pesticide Action Monitoring, Corporate Accountability And International Advocacy: Children’s Exposure To Pesticides
Questionnaire 6: Children’s Exposure to Pesticides section of the Community-based Pesticide Action Monitoring (CPAM)
Handbook For Community Based Pesticide Action Monitoring, Corporate Accountability And International Advocacy: Corporate Profiles
Questionnaire 5: Corporate Profiles section of the Community-based Pesticide Action Monitoring (CPAM)
Handbook For Community Based Pesticide Action Monitoring, Corporate Accountability And International Advocacy: Documenting Advertisements
Questionnaire 4: Documenting Advertisements section of the Community-based Pesticide Action Monitoring (CPAM)
Handbook For Community Based Pesticide Action Monitoring, Corporate Accountability And International Advocacy: Retail Questionnaire
Questionnaire 3: Retail Questionnaire section of the Community-based Pesticide Action Monitoring (CPAM)
Handbook For Community Based Pesticide Action Monitoring, Corporate Accountability And International Advocacy: Incident Report Form
Questionnaire 2: Incident Report Form section of the Community-based Pesticide Action Monitoring (CPAM)
Handbook For Community Based Pesticide Action Monitoring, Corporate Accountability And International Advocacy: Pesticide And Community Health
Questionnaire 1: Part B. Pesticide and Community Health section of the Community-based Pesticide Action Monitoring (CPAM)
PQRST (Pesticide Quick Response Surveillance Team) – A Practical Guide
This module gives farmers and agricultural workers information on how to form Pesticide Quick Response and Surveillance Teams
For Land & Rights: A Training Manual
This module equips users with skills on how to launch a campaign on land and resource grabbing through human rights advocacy
Modules on Advocacy of Indigenous Peoples’ Rights: A Practical Guide for Sarawak Indigenous Peoples Defending their Rights
This booklet is a compilation of modules with the aim of building the capacity of local indigenous communities to defend their ancestral lands against palm oil and logging companies. Thus, these modules...
Modul mengenai Advokasi bagi Hak Asasi Penduduk Peribumi: Panduan Praktikal untuk Penduduk Peribumi Sarawak Mempertahankan Hak Asasi Mereka
(in Bahasa Malaysia) This booklet is a compilation of modules with the aim of building the capacity of local indigenous communities to defend their ancestral lands against palm oil and logging companies....
16 Days of Global Action on Agroecology 2021 [Media Kit/Compressed File]
A compressed file containing the PSD file and fonts to edit the banner, flyer and poster on 16 Days of Global Action on Agroecology 2021 with the theme "Celebrating diverse, agroecological food systems".
16 Days of Global Action on Agroecology 2020 [Info-Media Kit/Compressed File]
A compressed file containing the PSD file and fonts to edit the banner, flyer and poster on 16 Days of Global Action on Agroecology 2020 with the theme "Fight for Food Systems Change".
16 Days of Global Action on Agroecology 2020 [Poster]
A poster on 16 Days of Global Action on Agroecology 2020 with the theme "Fight for Food Systems Change".