20 Pesticides Toxic to Children Factsheet: Chlorpyrifos
Factsheet on Chlorpyrifos and its hazards to children
Factsheet on Chlorpyrifos and its hazards to children
Studies on pesticide regulation and trade in banned and illegal pesticides in the Mekong region
In this monograph, learn extensive information about Chlorpyrifos, its chemical profile, environmental and health effects, and alternatives.
A factsheet on how the use of glyphosate-resistant seeds has worsened the plight of small farmers
A survey on women and pesticides in Saang district, Kandal province in Cambodia
In this monograph, learn extensive information about Paraquat, its chemical profile, environmental and health effects, and alternatives.
A community monitoring study investigating the use and impacts of pesticides in affected communities in Asia
Global report on the damage to peoples and ecosystems by the dangerous use, trade and disposal of synthetic pesticides
Initial results of monitoring gathered through the Community Monitoring for International Advocacy project
The Politics of Paraquat examines the history, dangers and efforts to phase out the use of paraquat in Malaysia. Paraquat ...